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Essay on the teacher

Essay on the teacher

essay on the teacher

ADVERTISEMENTS: (1) Love for children: The teacher must love his pupils. He must understand them individually and try to help them in (2) A man of character: The teacher should have high moral character. He should have sound principle of life as his (3) Emotionally Stable: The teacher must be Oct 06,  · THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER Being a teacher, like being a parent, means taking on a complex role, a role that is in constant flux, that needs constant redefinition according to the learner or the child. Teaching requires knowledge, skill, commitment and caring. Preparing to teach requires effort and time Teachers are those who make child knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love gives a strong shape to student’s whole blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

Free Essay The Teacher That Has Influenced Me Most | BooknStuff

Read this article essay on the teacher learn about the qualities, roles and responsibilities of teacher in a school. The teacher plays an important role in school. He is not simply to impart knowledge but also mould the habits, traits and character of pupils. He is to achieve educational objectives through the curriculum of the school. In order to discharge his duties effectively he must possess certain qualities and qualifications which may be described as under:. The teacher is required to answer questions which require fair command of subject. He should have sufficient knowledge so far as the pupils are concerned.

That is why minimum qualifications are laid down for the appointment of teachers in essay on the teacher. For primary school, the teachers should be at least matriculate. For middle schools, essay on the teacher, the teacher should be at least graduate. For high schools, the teacher should be an M. In addition to knowledge of his subject, he should have sufficient general knowledge. For this he should have literary tastes. He must be a well read person. Knowledge of the subject matter is not sufficient to be a good teacher. A first rate scholar may be a poor teacher. He must have some pre-service training, so that he is conversant with things and outcomes of teaching.

While in service, he should attend short-term refresher courses, workshops, seminars and educational conferences so that he goes on adding to this professional efficiency. The teacher should have a sense of dedication to the teaching profession. He should be dedicated to teaching and teach enthusiastically, essay on the teacher. The teacher must love his pupils. He must understand them individually and try to help them in overcoming their difficulties. His attitude should be sympathetic and friendly, essay on the teacher. The teacher should have high moral character.

He should have sound principle of life as his ideas and conduct will affect the children profoundly. The teacher must be emotionally stable. He must be free from complexes, worries and frustration. Essay on the teacher emotionally unstable teacher cannot do justice to his work. The teacher must be able to express his thoughts clearly His oral and written expression must be good. He has to write reports essay on the teacher so many other things. His speech, pronunciation and voice must also be impressive. In the school, the teacher should have smiling face and a cheerful look while teaching. His sense of humour will help him to overcome very serious situations, which can be sometimes laughed away.

The teacher should be sociable in nature. He must maintain good relations with his colleagues, pupils and their parents and general public. He must be mixing with people. Only then he will be able to develop social virtues in students. The teacher should be able to provide effective leadership to the children who are immature and need guidance in matters of study, activities and other courses etc. Teaching is a complicated job. It is not mere communication of knowledge to the student. Even knowledge cannot be handed over to students like currency.

The teacher has to attend to a number of factors while working in the school. Some of his functions may be discussed as under :. Teaching is the first and foremost duty of the teacher. The teacher should prepare his lessons regularly. He must motivate the pupils and use methods and techniques of teaching suitable for particular group of students. He must always try to improve his teaching skills. He should give regular home work and check it regularly. Activities on the part of pupils should be properly stimulated and directed. In order to be a successful teacher, the teacher must plan his work well. At the first place he should plan his teaching work. He should decide how much work is to be done essay on the teacher a particular month and in a particular week.

Daily teaching work must also be planned. He should plan use of teaching aids in advance. Activities of the pupils are also to be planned by him. The teacher has to organize a number of activities in the school. He has to organize the school plant. He should see that the class-rooms are well-equipped. He has to organize instructional works dividing the syllabus into units, classification of students, construction of time-table and co-curricular activities are also to be organised. Besides library work, laboratory work, essay on the teacher, sports etc. need proper organisation, essay on the teacher. The teacher has to supervise a number of tasks and activities.

He is required to supervise attendance of pupils, their daily work, home work, essay on the teacher, their work habits and behaviour. He has to maintain order and discipline essay on the teacher the school. He may have to supervise pupils in the hostel. The teacher not only supervises pupils and their work but also gives them tasks relating to selection of courses, home work, and other study activities. Pupils study habits and work habits have to be guided properly. He must pay attention to all children particularly to the delinquent, abnormal and mal-adjusted children. Guidance in health matters is also to be given.

Work of the pupils and their participation should be evaluated by the teacher from time to time. Evaluation will point out weakness in teaching and learning process and the teacher can adopt suitable remedial measures, essay on the teacher. The teacher has to conduct house tests and report the progress of pupils to parents and the headmaster. Policies of promotion have to be chalked out in the light of evaluation. He has to record their admission, attendance, their scores, in different tests. The essay on the teacher may also be required to maintain school records such as property register, supply of equipment, issue of book etc.

He also has to write annual reports of various activities and functions done during the year. It is the duty of the teacher to maintain good relations with the essay on the teacher, their parents and general public. For this purpose, parents teachers association may be organised by the teacher. The relationship with parents will solve many problems. The teacher must have healthy and cordial relations with the headmaster and his colleagues. For all this the teacher should posses a sociable nature. Teaching is a tri-polar process which has three indispensable elements or constituents-the teacher or educator, essay on the teacher, the taught or educed and the curriculum. Out of these three, the teacher plays the most significant role in making the teaching process a grand success.

Because the teacher is the real practitioner of the teaching learning process. He is the pivot in any system of education around which the whole system of education revolves. It is dead sure that the importance of school building, school furniture and equipment, curriculum, essay on the teacher text-books cannot be ignored. But without the teacher, essay on the teacher, they all are meaningless. But it is not simply the teacher, rather good teachers that are required in this connection. Dr, essay on the teacher, E.

The importance of good teachers is emphasized by Professor, Humayun Kabir by saying without good teachers, even the best of system is bound to fail. With good teachers, even the defects of the system can be largely overcome. After having such discussion it will be better if we provide an insight into the role or duties and responsibilities after having discussion on the qualification or qualities of a good teacher. Your Article Library Home Static Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled.

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10 lines on teachers in English - short essay on teachers

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Essay on My Teacher: Top 5 Essays on My Teacher

essay on the teacher

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