Feb 10, · Oedipus asks, “Was I not born evil? Am I not utterly unclean?” What is the Christian response to these questions? The Chorus contrasts insolence with eager ambition. (lines ) Are they opposites? Study Help Essay Questions. 1. Near the end of each play in the Oedipus Trilogy, a messenger describes what has happened offstage, usually the most important action in the play. Why do you think Sophocles handles the action in this way? 1. What is Creon’s argument refuting Oedipus’ allegation that he (Creon) is plotting to overthrow the throne? Creon sees Oedipus as avoiding the true message from Tiresias which points out towards the prophecy. Creon believes that Oedipus knows that if the truth is unraveled, he will be deposed and Creon will ultimately take power. 2
Oedipus the King Study Questions Answers | blogger.com
Home Page Arts And Humanities Literature American Literature Oedipus the King Study Questions Answers. Oedipus the King Study Questions Answers Matilda Campbell. question 1. why have the priests come to the altar at thebes? answer The priests are trying to figure out how to remedy the plague. question 2. how did oedipus once liberate thebes? question 3. why is creon away from thebes when the story opens? answer he is at the oracle of Apollo trying to get answers for the plague and how Oedipus can save the city. question 4.
according to creon, what does apollo want done? answer According to creon, apollo wants to purify the land of pollution the plague and the murderer. question 5. how was Laius killed? answer Laius was murdered by many robbers, allegedly, oedipus the king essay questions. question 6. answer The Sphinx caused them to forget the crime. question 7. who are the members of the chorus supposed to be. answer The members of the chorus represent the townspeople. question 8. briefly summarize the prayer made by the first chorus. answer The chorus reminds us of the plague and that it is terrible compared to war. They also call upon Apollo. question 9. answer Oedipus offered money. question What punishment does Oedipus threaten for withholding information about the murderer?
answer He says he will banish them if they withhold information. Why has Oedipus sent for Tiresias? answer He sends for Tiresias because he is a reputable profit. Why does Oedipus first grow angry with Tiresias? answer Tiresias wont tell Oedipus what he knows. Why does Tiresias grow angry with Oedipus? answer He calls him a traitor to the city. What accusations does Tiresias make against Oedipus? answer He accuses Oedipus of killing the king. why does Oedipus grow angry with Creon? answer He thinks Creon and Tiresias are plotting to get rid oedipus the king essay questions him.
what prediction does Tiresias make? answer Oedipus will realize he is the murderer, lose his eyesight, have no joy, lose all of his money, be exiled, and discover his odd relations with Jocasta and Laius. How do the people feel about the accusations Tiresias and Oedipus are making? What does Oedipus think that Creon is plotting? answer He thinks Creon is plotting to take his crown. answer The power is divided three ways among the family. answer Creon already gets all the perks of being a king, without actually being the king. Why does Creon tell Oedipus to go to Delphi? answer Creon tells Oedipus to go to Delphi to prove his innocence from the oracle.
What advice does Jocasta give to her quarreling husband and brother? oedipus the king essay questions Jocasta advises that they not let the feud be known to the public. Why does Oedipus release Creon? answer Jocasta tells him to release Creon, oedipus the king essay questions. answer Laius was killed by robbers, not her son, therefore the oracles must be wrong. answer He realized that he may have actually killed Laius because their stories have eerie similarities. What favor did Jocasta grant the slave who witnessed the murder? answer She told him to run and never look back and to be a Shepard in the field. Who were Polybus and Merope? answer It bothered Oedipus because the man called him a bastard.
Why did Oedipus go to Delphi when he was a young man? answer He went to Delphi to prove that he is not a bastard child. Why did Oedipus run away from home? answer He ran away from home to avoid fulfilling the prophecy. Why did Oedipus kill the travelers? answer They tried to push him off the roads. Why does Oedipus send for the shepherd? Do the members of the chorus side more with the divide prophesy or with Oedipus? answer They side with Oedipus. what offereings does Jocasta bear to the temples of the gods? answer She bears olive branches and incense.
What news does the messenger bring? Why does Jocasta say taht the death of Polybus is a blessing? answer This means that the oracle did not know the truth, oedipus the king essay questions. answer The messenger is the one that found Oedipus. How did Oedipus get oedipus the king essay questions name? answer He had severed Achilles Tendons when he was found and his feet were swollen. What advice does Jocasta give Oedipus about trying to solve the mystery of his birth? Which character in the story is a slave? answer The herdsman is a slave. How do the messenger and the shepherd know each other? answer The messenger got Oedipus from the herdsman.
Why does Oedipus threaten to torture the Shepherd? What awful truth does the shepherd reveal? Oedipus the king essay questions did Jocasta give her child to the shepherd? answer She wanted to escape the prophesy. Why didnt the shepherd kill the child? answer He pittied him, oedipus the king essay questions. Briefly summarize how the chorus reacts to the truth about Oedipus? answer They feel bad for Oedipus and his misfortunes and they pity him. How does Jocasta die? answer She hanged herself. How does Oedipus blind himself? Why does Oedipus blind himself instead of killing himself?
answer He thinks he deserves a worse punishment. Who replaces Oedipus as ruler of Thebes? answer Creon replaces Oedipus. Why does Creon order that Oedipus be taken to the palace? What does Oedipus oedipus the king essay questions Creon to do with him? answer Oedipus asks Creon to take him to the middle of nowhere.
3 Things to Know Before You Read Oedipus The King - Conley's Cool ESL
, time: 2:50“Oedipus the King”: Good Essay Questions - SummaryStory

This question asks you to consider the importance of dark and light, and therefore perhaps also sight, in the play. Think metaphorically (i.e. 'in the dark' - unknowing) but also literally (Oedipus' blinding at the end of the play). 2. Oedipus is old before his blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Teaching Oedipus the King Teacher Pass includes: Assignments & Activities. Reading Quizzes. Current Events & Pop Culture articles. Discussion & Essay Questions. Challenges & Opportunities. Related Readings in Literature & History Oct 19, · 57 test answers. question. 1. why have the priests come to the altar at thebes? answer. The priests are trying to figure out how to remedy the plague. question. 2. how did oedipus once liberate thebes? answer. Oedipus liberated Thebes
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