In my opinion for many reasons, the Federal Government should legalize marijuana in all 50 states. First of all marijuana has proven to be very useful in the medical field. Many evidence based studies have shown that medical marijuana can help patients who suffer from illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay. The issue of marijuana legalization is one that has weighed on the minds of legislators and marijuana supporters ever since its prohibition. There are many heated arguments on one side of the other, and the issue is extremely controversial. Some say that it is an immoral drug that leads people to a life of Marijuana should be legalized because it is a great medical plant, it will help keep people out of jail for minor crimes, and there would be a boost in the economy. When people think of marijuana or cannabis, they think negatively. They think that it is a drug that has no positive use whatsoever
Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay Example For FREE - New York Essays
It grows naturally upon our planet. Marijuana or cannabis has been known to mankind for ages. Marijuana should be legalized because it is a great medical plant, it will help keep people out of jail for minor crimes, and there would be a boost in the economy. When people think of marijuana or cannabis, they think negatively. They think that it is a drug that has no positive use whatsoever. But in reality, marijuana can be should marijuana be legalized essay to help treat medical conditions as severe as epilepsy. There are people who are suffering mentally, physically, and emotionally. This can all be stopped with the use of marijuana. The medical plant can also be used to help with mental illness, menstrual cramps, and childbirth. Twenty-six states have already legalized marijuana for medical purposes, but that is not enough Pacula, par, should marijuana be legalized essay.
There are people who have their life thrown away all because they get arrested for possession of marijuana. The legalization of marijuana can not only help medically but help keep people out of jail for minor crimes. According to studies, there are about 1, people who are arrested yearly for the possession of marijuana. With officers making minor arrests like this, people are slowly losing trust and faith in the criminal justice system. Also, having a lot of people in jail is not exactly cheap. With a large amount of incarcerations, a large amount of money comes out of taxes. Some may argue that legalizing marijuana would be bad for the economy.
org, Should marijuana be legalized essay 1. I disagree with this because legalizing marijuana will in fact boost the economy. Increased tax revenues, job growth, and investment opportunities would make the economy grow, resulting in money coming into the federal and state government. org, Pro 1. Marijuana is a medical drug that, if legalized, would help benefit the medical conditions of many, keep people out of jail for minor crimes and create a boost in the economy. The plant should not be illegal, period. I am strongly against marijuana being illegal when there are positive uses for the plant. Think about it, why is marijuana not legal when there are multiple benefits for the drug?
Works Cited The Blue Review. Caulkins, Jonathan P. JSTOR, www. Accessed 29 Apr, should marijuana be legalized essay. EBSCOhost, search. GUPTA, DR. What Should We Know about Its Pros and Cons? Hansen, Benjamin, et al. EBSCOhost, doi com Editors. org, 1 Nov. Leyton, Marco. Mello, Jeffrey A. Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo, and Rosanna Smart. National Library of Medicine, 8 May should marijuana be legalized essay, www. Phelan, Carolyn. Vasquez, Margie. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, Zeese, Kevin, and William Ruzzamenti. Healthvol. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Is Marijuana Legalization Inevitable In The US?
, time: 14:54Why Marijuanas Should Be Legal Argumentative Essay | WOW Essays

Overall Opinion on Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized All things considered, I suppose that legalization of marijuana in the U.S.A. has more benefits than possible shortcomings. As long as the drug is illegal, thousands of people with medical conditions that could have been relieved with marijuana suffer from terrible pain as they have problems with obtaining the necessary In my opinion for many reasons, the Federal Government should legalize marijuana in all 50 states. First of all marijuana has proven to be very useful in the medical field. Many evidence based studies have shown that medical marijuana can help patients who suffer from illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many Kevin Wiley Jr. Professor Banks ENGL April 20, Argument Essay For my topic, I chose “Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S. with certain restrictions?” for my research paper. I will be breaking down and explaining why marijuana shouldn’t just be legal in just some states but why it should be legalized everywhere in the U.S and of course with some
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