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World war i essay questions

World war i essay questions

world war i essay questions

World War I constituted a significant turning point in global history, and it is important for students to understand its causes. This lesson provides essay question that will promote critical The essay will be a total of 15 points. 1. As discussed in class, describe the “powder keg of Europe” and the four to five events that occurred that led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 2. As discussed in class, explain the main reasons the United States changed their “isolationist” foreign policy and got involved in the war. 3 Apr 15,  · First of the U.S entered the war for many reasons. On April 6, , was the day the U.S took a huge step and changed the course of history by entering World War One. Many American people were against it, most of the people in America wanted to remain neutral and not cause any commission nor the lives of Americans

World War I Essay Questions Worksheets | Student Handouts

First of the U. S entered the war for many reasons. On April 6,was the day the U, world war i essay questions. S took a huge step and changed the course of history by entering World War One. Many American people were against it, most of the people in America wanted to remain neutral and not cause any commission nor the lives of Americans. However, world war i essay questions, the U. S made its way into the battlefield and here were the four reasons for their declaration. Number one, the Anti — German sentiment, Germany was to first to declare war and the ones that started it and they also killed millions of civilians during that time.

Another reason was the Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. This created British naval blockade in order to cut off all foreign trade as well as in England. Which as a result of this it created a war zone where all ships including merchant and passenger ships were sunk without any warning. Germany entered desperation British Rockland starvation. They could end the war quickly. German submarines sunk 5 ships. One of the ships that suffer the most deaths was the Lusitania ship that in the result of it being sunken, it cost 1, people deaths which included Americans lives that were lost as well. Then there was the Zimmerman Telegram which was sent to Mexico asking and offering a military alliance to fight the U. In result of this it created fear of invasion. How it works.

America made many contributions to the Allied victory. American had a huge impact on the Allies winning and here are some reasons. One of them was the U. S ships building which had a huge impact as it served with 18 shipyards, where most of them were used to 2, of these utilitarian beasts. These ships were very valuable in terms of transporting goods to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. Not only that, but it Strengthens Naval Blockade! One of the most important things. Not only that the U. So many things were given from resources and technology to material to bread.

Soviets had the manpower, the British had naval superiority, both had morale and motivation, but all in all, it was the vast financial, world war i essay questions, natural and technological resources that tilted the advantage to the Allies. The U. S not only produce more ships than Germany, but they gave weapons such as bombs and fuel in huge quantities. England and Russia would have starved to death without American food shipments, world war i essay questions. Lastly, world war i essay questions served with 3 million manpower. However, there were reasons why the Allies won was because of Germany armistice. For instance, the Naval blockade ruined the economy and caused mass suffering which inevitably led to a political collapse. Not only that, but there was monarchy overthrown and communist uprising.

Last but not least there was fear of Bolshevik revolution. His game plan consisted of: First, eliminate tariffs, àfree trade barriers which meant no tax on imported goods. He was a believer in free trade globalization. It would raise prosperity and more economically dependent on each other. This would help promote cooperation between nations. One way to make peace world war i essay questions he argued. Second, was Disarmament meaning weapons, step one disarm Germany, step two was to reduce its weapons to the minimum level needed for self-defense with the expectation that this would help deter aggression.

Bases on the principle of government consent this was the term that they used to become an independent nation. Fourth, limited reparations, you are paying for the war for Germany. It would be a great mistake to alienate the German public. It would create a great desire for revenge because they would see it as an unfair punishment and create another war. Fifth, League of Nations, created in in which passes away in It was an international organization in which all nations were invited to become members and prevent another world war in particular. It was established to promote cooperation amongst nations. Set up to provide an alternative war and the arbitration conflicts settled them through negotiation instead.

Based on the principle of collective security. Each member nation is committed to the independence of all members nations. The entire league of nations would come to its defense if one were to go under attack. The league of nations would be replaced by the united nations. The league of nations was considered to be a failure for not stopping another World War two and lastly Collective Security. World War One officially terminated with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, Some of the terms world war i essay questions the Versailles was one, Military restrictions; They place a lot of military restrictions among them specifically.

Germany could have no tanks, planes, submarines, world war i essay questions. It was not allowed to have an air force and a very small army and navy only. They were also not allowed to have a draft they could not prepare early for war two. Fourth, Article War Guilt Clause- article quickly became known as the war guilt clause. Germany had to claim sole responsibility for the war, they had to accept the fact they million of people died and destroy billion worth of damage. Fifth, world war i essay questions, War Crimes Tribunal, The allies called for war called this. An international court of German leaders that would be war criminals. Sixth, Denied League entry- Germany was denied entry into world war i essay questions league of nations.

World War I made many European countries began to practice militarism and worked to expand and build their military forces. The war also destroyed major empires like the Austrian-Hungary Empire, Russian Empire, German Empire, Ottoman empire. This would help promote democratic governments design to create world war peace. New nations Czechoslovakia- self-determination: the only successful one. A European country. Some of the allies: England, France, Russia, Italy, the U. S vs the central powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman empire. Lastly, World War One was a cause of World War Two. It was the rise Rise of Adolf-Hitler started WW2 and Nazi party, Germany. Need world war i essay questions custom essay on the same topic?

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CAUSES of World War I [AP World History] Unit 7 Topic 2 (7.2)

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world war i essay questions

The essay will be a total of 15 points. 1. As discussed in class, describe the “powder keg of Europe” and the four to five events that occurred that led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 2. As discussed in class, explain the main reasons the United States changed their “isolationist” foreign policy and got involved in the war. 3 Handout #1: 1. What were the four principal causes of World War I? 2. Describe the role played by technology in World War I. 3. Describe the role women played in World War I. Click here to print (PDF). Handout #2: 1. Describe the role played by nationalism in World War I. 2 Apr 15,  · First of the U.S entered the war for many reasons. On April 6, , was the day the U.S took a huge step and changed the course of history by entering World War One. Many American people were against it, most of the people in America wanted to remain neutral and not cause any commission nor the lives of Americans

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