Free Sample Essay on Personal Hygiene. Personal hygiene is the practice that leads to body cleanliness and good personal appearance or simply personal grooming. The personal Ratings: Personal hygiene refers to practices that keep our bodies and our immediate environment clean. Most of these practices are done on a daily basis, because of the tendency of our bodies to Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping your body clean and healthy. Throughout this essay, I will explain how you can keep up an active lifestyle, eat healthy, and maintain fun life, while
Importance of Personal Hygiene
The maintenance of personal hygiene is essential as it helps to preserve the health and overall wellbeing of individuals, essay on personal hygiene. Not only is this directly beneficial to the essay on personal hygiene health of the individual but also to those coming into contact, essay on personal hygiene. Poor personal hygiene can not only result in physical issues but can also affect an individual emotionally and socially. Physical effects:. Sores or rashes occurring on surface of skin Itchiness resulting in scratching leading to broken skin Infections or diseases developing with the potential of spreading to others Bacterial and fungal infections head lice internal infections such as gastroenteritis caused by unclean hands.
Residents should be encouraged to wash hands after using the toilet and should be both encouraged and if needed, assisted with washing and dressing into clean clothing. The home should provide adequate laundry facilities to keep clothes clean and distributed to bedrooms ready to wear. Staff should also provide services to keep finger nails clean and cut. Baths and showers should also be made readily available upon request. Washing facilities should be made available in bedrooms particularly for more independent residents along with clean towels and flannels, etc. Personal hygiene issues should be addressed in a sensitive manner and residents should be asked and encouraged to bath, etc.
Assistance should be offered if needed in a discreet way and residents should be attended to in a private location. Personal hygiene should be tactfully encouraged not only for the benefit of the individual but for the benefit of others around them. Staff should approach the individual in a private place such as the privacy of their bedroom and sensitively bring about the issue of personal hygiene. If appropriate, questions should be tactfully asked to determine if factors such as depression is the cause of hygiene neglect. If so, steps should be taken to resolve this, essay on personal hygiene. Service users should be reassured that help is always available. I can support the preferences and needs of the individual while maintaining their independence by:, essay on personal hygiene.
Encouraging independence and allow individuals to undertake personal care in the way they feel most comfortable Support individuals to communicate their preferences, views essay on personal hygiene needs regarding personal hygiene Treating all residents as individuals and respecting their preferences, including what they want to wear, when they want to get up, etc. Essay on personal hygiene residents through all stages of personal care and meeting any objection by explaining reasons that I have for promoting their own health. Providing toiletries that conform to residents wishes. Assisting residents to make informed choices- eg- giving them options. Describe how to maintain dignity of an individual when supporting intimate personal hygiene:. Avert eye contact to avoid embarrassment Be gentle and understanding throughout duration of personal care Making sure residents are appropriately covered up- eg- if unable to wash or dress themselves- make sure a towel is covering intimate body parts.
Identify risks to own health in supporting an individual with personal hygiene routines:, essay on personal hygiene. The risks are- potentially catching infections from skin to skin contact or diseases from direct contact with bodily fluids, etc. Reduce risks to own health when supporting the individual with personal essay on personal hygiene routines:. Identify others who may be involved in supporting the individual to maintain personal hygiene:. The individual- Is the key individual in maintaining personal hygiene and decides how to approach the situation. Colleagues- may need the assistance from one or more carers- eg- if the resident has physical disabilities, etc.
sometimes a different face can be encouraging if the resident is uncomfortable with the first offer of help male- female. Families or friends- might be more inclined to take hygiene advice from loved ones. Also, families may bring in toiletries for relatives. Management can amend care plan to help support carers. Advocates- can give consent to personal hygiene attempts if residents themselves are unable to give permission. Understand when poor hygiene may be an indicator of other underlying personal issues. Medication- certain medications may cause tiredness or confusion making the maintaining personal hygiene difficult. Changing medication where possible to alternative prescriptions where side effects are less dramatic therefore making the control of hygiene possible, essay on personal hygiene.
Providing adequate assistance when dealing with personal hygiene- eg, carers Alert social services and adult protection agencies to combat cases of abuse where expected. Encourage and inform individuals of ways to promote personal hygiene in a respectful manner Contact families of residents regarding monetary funds. Provide sufficient facilities for the purpose of personal hygiene Keeping up to date records of hygiene to help follow a routine. Free Essays Essay Topics Search Search for: Search. You are here: Home Free essay Personal Hygiene. Remember to change this Home Contact us GDPR Privacy policy.
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Personal Health Hygiene and Grooming
, time: 5:05Essay on Importance of Hygiene ( Words)

Words | 3 Pages. Personal hygiene is a major part of your everyday life. It includes brushing your teeth, taking a shower, applying deodorant, wearing clean clothes, cooking your food Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping your body clean and healthy. Throughout this essay, I will explain how you can keep up an active lifestyle, eat healthy, and maintain fun life, while Sep 12, · Personal Hygiene: Why it is important 1. Identify factors that contribute to good personal hygiene The factors that contribute to good personal hygiene 2. Explain how to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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